
Week 1: Introduction to digital media

Digital media is digitised content that can be transmitted over the internet or computer networks. This can include text, audio, video, and graphics.

I have learned that digital media is mainly calculations performed using ones and zeroes. This is referred to as the binary system.
Also there are 5 sectors in media: Gaming, Publishing, Websites, Moving image, Audio.

Half Term Homework


1. Violates Freedom of Expression
It is debatable as to what one can say or cause by what one says in the name of freedom of expression. But muzzling the voice of people is certainly not in adherence to the constitutional provisions.
2. Lead to Banning the Broadcast
Media censorship may lead to banning the broadcast of certain kinds of news and may keep the citizens uninformed. The ignorant would remain ignorant with a censored media. Authorities cannot decide what news or information the people must and must not get.

1. Can Influence Opinion
Media plays a role in influencing public opinion and thus it can contribute or worsen public life, law and order. There have been instances when the opinionated media has induced hate, feelings of insecurity and threat to life.
2. Keeps Facts Straightened
An independent media is expected to regulate itself and should adhere to the standards set by its own bodies, typically congregation of broadcasting agencies and guilds of editors and journalists. The self regulation doesn’t always work. Media is often biased and doesn’t present facts all the time.            
3. Can Control the Natures of Advertisements Media censorship can control the kind of products or services being promoted and the nature of the advertisements. Many ads on television, print and online are harmful for kids as well as for adults. From fake products to tall claims, people are misled into believing what is evidently not true.

The Avengers Assemble Movie

Marvel’s The Avengers had quite a few levels of high-key lighting because of the type of movie it is. They had to give it a lighter feel for the sake of being a family friendly movie. Because of the amazing action scenes and the massive amount of computer generated images they used during the filming they used different camera angles so to offer a vivid depiction of the Avenger’s adventures as they tried to battle Loki and the Chitauri. They also used the three-point lighting so they can showcase the characters playing offer of the real background as well as the artificial background.

One of the low-key lighting I could think of was the scene where Loki first arrived on earth. His face was very dark and the scene just changed to accommodate his attitude. He was sinister and so was the lighting.

Camera Angles:
  1. close up
  2. extreme close up 
  3. medium shot
  4. birds eye view 
  5. side shot
  6. long shot
  7. extreme long shot
  1. iron man suit
  2. thor suit
  3. captain America costume
  4. hulk costume
  5. black widow suit 

  1. captain Americas shield 
  2. guns
  3. lasers 
  4. bombs
  5. flying ships


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